Saturday, December 29, 2012

XSS for Stealing Cookies and Mozzila for Using Them: article 201207

Takeaway: Using stored cross site scripting, XSS, a user's cookie can be stolen and used to bypass authentication to a website.  You need a vulnerable website, a script to steal the cookie, a server to write to, a script to write the cookie to a log, and an appendable log file.  Once you have the cookie you can utilize a Mozilla add on to use it.

My primary resource of information for this blog can be found at this YouTube video.

I have played with stored XSS before using the script message box to create a pop up:


and to read my own cookie:

but I decided today to take the opportunity to simulate actually stealing another users cookie. has posted a decent set of videos on YouTube from which I used as my guide to simulate this attack.

The first thing I needed was a vulnerable site.  I chose to use  Damn Vulnerable Web App.  Here is a link to a video showing how to install DVWA with XAMPP.  XAMPP can be downloaded here.

I changed the security setting of  DVWA to "Low".

The target of DVWA of course was XSS stored.  An issue I ran into was that the Messages text box only allowed for a maximum of 50 characters; too few to pull this simulation off.

To resolves this I navigated to:


and modified the index.php script, in my case line 49, from

    maxlength=\"50\" to maxlength=\"500\"

Next, two files needed to be created.  First a blank file named cookielogs.txt and a second file named stealer.php that receives the cookie and appends it to the cookielogs.txt file.  The code for stealer.php is:

I uploaded these two files to a personal website.

A third piece to this is the malicious script to post to the guest book; it is seen here:

Next it was time to post my script to the DVWA vulnerable guest book:

The next user that came along and clicked on the XSS stored link

Would have the cookie stolen and shipped off to my cookielogs.txt text file:

We have a cookie!  Now what?  Consume that cookie!

There is an add-on for the Mozilla browser titled cookie editor.  It is a tool that will let you view your cookies and, as the name says; edit them.

Once the editor is installed it can be found under the Tools menu of the browser.

Now as the attacker I browsed to the cookielogs.txt file and selected the cookie I wanted to try.  In the case the one at the bottom of the list.

I then browsed to the DVWA login page.

I opened the cookie editor

Notice in the above pic the IP address of the site I am visiting and next to each IP are the cookie names "PHPSESSID" and "security".  Notice back on the cookielogs.txt file that each of those are defined. So I edited these to match the cookie I had captured.  First the PHPSESSID.  Highlight then select edit.

Then replace the "Content" string with the string captured:

Click save and then repeat for the "security" cookie:

Here I changed it from "high" to "low", just as I had captured.  I then clicked "Save"

I clicked "Close"

Now back the web page I removed the "login.php" from the URL address:

I hit my keyboards "Enter" key and "Boom goes the dynamite". 

I was able to get to the log in screen without credentials.

As always I hope this helps others.  Please provide any feedback and I will be happy to answer any pertinent questions that I can.


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