I have had the iPhone 3G for a little over a 1/2 a year now and in that time have accumulated some apps that could come in handy for the InfoSec Engineer / Analyst. In this write up I quickly describe one of my two folders of tools.
Screen shot 1:
RBL Status: A nice look up tool to see if a domain is on any one of 13 Black List services.
Nice Trace: A handy little trace route tool that constantly updates connection times to each hop; results can be emailed.
Scanner: A handy little tool that will automatically scan the network your device is connected and report back any other hosts it finds.
Scany: The closest to NMAP I could find. This is great little enumeration tool for open ports on systems.
Deep Whois: A great WHOIS lookup tool enumerate more info on a FQDN.
Base 2 Converter: Decimal to and from Binary conversion and ASCII to and From Binary conversion. This little tool comes in handy when I perform analysis and need help with data normalization.
ASCII2BIN: More conversion options than Base 2; HEX and Octal conversions too.
iRegex: Regex tool that verifies your expression for you and then you can email it off to cut and paste if needed. Handles POSIX and PCRE.
PING: The name speaks for itself but this tool also pings a subnet, performs traceroute, and telnet.
CP HexCalc: Calculator and converter for HEX, DEC, BIN, and OCT.
Subnet Calc: A nice calculator for carving up subnets.
RDP: A bear to use on the iPhone because of the screen size but does work in a pinch.
Folder 2 tools coming soon.