Sunday, May 8, 2011

Honeynet Forensics Challenge 7 winner: article 201103

I am excited and honored to have tied for third place. Many thanks to Honeynet for offering these challenges!

Forensic Challenge 7 – “Forensic Analysis of a Compromised System” - And the winners are...
Sat, 05/07/2011 - 15:09 — angelo.dellaera
Folks, Guillame and Hugo have judged all submissions and results have been posted on the challenge web site. The winners are:

1. Dev Anand
2. Fernando Quintero & Camilo Zapata
3. (3 submissions) Matt Erasmus, Joseph Kahlich and Kevin Mau

Congratulations to the winners!

With challenge 7 completed, we are getting ready to launch challenge 8 on May 9th. This challenge has been prepared by Guido Landi and Angelo Dell'Aera from the Sysenter Chapter and it deals with
malware reverse engineering. We hope to see you participating!

Angelo Dell'Aera
The Honeynet Project

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